Susan E. Aldrich

Senior Consultant and Senior Vice President, Patricia Seybold Group Sue Aldrich

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Sue Aldrich is a leading authority on recommendation engines, personalization and site search. She is also expert in instrumenting and improving the practices, governance and technologies for enterprise information management.

Aldrich advises marketing and technology teams on how to design and manage a personalized customer experience, including helping them to establish Quality of Customer Experience (QCE) metrics.

She has written hundreds of analyses and technology reviews for the Patricia Seybold Group advisory services. Aldrich began tracking the emergence of powerful search and recommendation platforms in 2004, starting with the influential reports Product Search, Findability, and Navigation: Evaluating Search Solutions that Will Help Your Customers Quickly Find the Right Products.

As a consultant, Aldrich has worked closely with companies throughout the globe – including consumer retailers, business retailers, distributors, financial services firms (banks, brokerages, and insurance), manufacturing companies, cable companies, specialty industrial suppliers, and a wide variety of software, system and services companies in high tech. 


Sue’s insights are grounded in a trove of knowledge and expertise gleaned from decades of practical experience.

Aldrich is an expert on optimizing the methods that help customers find what they need to make buying decisions and/or to solve problems.  She helps clients develop personalization, merchandising, discovery, and content management practices that will ensure customers can swiftly be presented the most engaging and useful information.

She holds a B.A. from Wellesley College.

Contact Info

LinkedIn: Susan Aldrich
Twitter: susanealdrich
Facebook: Susan Aldrich
Skype: Susan.E.Aldrich