Featured Case Studies
We love writing case studies! We like interviewing people about how and why they did what they did and what results they achieved. That’s one way we learn what works and what doesn’t and why. Here are a few of our favorite recent case studies for you to enjoy. :
- Culture Nurtures Innovation at Luck Stone
How Values-Based Leadership Fosters Innovation in a 90-Year Old Company
by Patricia Seybold, April 25, 2014 - Why Alaska Airlines Considers Mobile Development a Core Competency
Speed Up Improvements in Customer Experience through Mobile
by Patricia Seybold, February 21, 2013 The Evolution of African Rural University
Co-Designed by Its Faculty, Students, and End-Customers (People the Grads Will Serve)
by Patricia Seybold, April 11, 2013- Agilent’s Virtuous Circle of Personalization
Customer Experience, Content Strategy, and Marketing Automation Create a Machine that Drives Customer Engagement
by Susan Aldrich, August 7, 2013 - BuzzCar—Peer-to-Peer Car Rental
Building a Platform for Participation for a “Peers Inc.” Business Model
by Patricia Seybold, October 11, 2012 - Why the Healthcare.gov Insurance Exchange Bombed
Policy Makers Insisted on a Customer-Unfriendly Workflow
by Patricia Seybold, November 7, 2013
Do you have a good story you’d like us to write? Let us know.
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