Customer/Employee Empowerment

  • How We Learn and How to Change

    Use Conversations for Collaborative Reflection about Complex Adaptive Systems

    Lisa Kimball offers invaluable advice and methodologies about the best ways to make change in a complex system, like an organization, or a multi-player system such as healthcare. Change the conversation!
    Mar. 28, 2013
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  • Creating Customer Advisory Boards that Your Customers Will Love!

    How to Design a Successful “Outside In” CAB Program for Your Customers and Top Executives

    The most successful CABs follow a customer-empowered model in which customers’ issues and priorities are the focal point for the meeting. Don’t show off your ideas; let customers strut their stuff and see how well it meshes with your roadmap.
    Oct. 25, 2012
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  • Alaska Airlines’ Evolves Its Mobile Strategy

    Catering to Frequent Flyers Pays Off

    Alaska Airlines has been delivering mobile apps since 2010. They chose to focus first on the functions needed for “day of travel” rather than online booking.
    Aug. 3, 2012
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  • Managing Customer Innovation at Alaska Airlines

    Alaska Airlines Combines Customer Innovation with E-Commerce & Mobile

    As Managing Director, and Customer Innovation, Curtis Kopf combines ecommerce, mobile, and customer innovation in a single role focusing on giving information and control to customers in the areas of their lives they care about the most.
    May. 31, 2012
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  • Offshore Customer Service

    Don’t Damage Your Brand by Allowing Inferior Service—No Matter Where It Is Provided

    Does offshoring your call center impact your brand? It does if the quality of service goes down. Avoid the pitfalls of the most common offshore customer service offences.
    Feb. 2, 2012
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  • The Next Big Thing: Customer Ecosystems

    Six Secrets for Designing Business Networks Aligned To Help Customers Get Things Done

    Customer ecosystems are business networks that are aligned to help customers get things done—both the things they want to accomplish and the things they want to manage. We’ve found six keys to designing successful customer ecosystems.
    Jan. 12, 2012
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  • What Stands in the Way of Successful Customer-Centric Projects?

    The Five “Gotcha’s” that Plague Most Initiatives

    by ,
    Most customer projects encounter five obstacles to success: lack of resources, lack of access to the right customers, no buy-in from execs, inadequate execution, and no tangible results. Here is advice on how to overcome these internal showstoppers.
    Jan. 5, 2012
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  • Turning Protests Into Realizable Visions

    URDT Institute Is Transforming Unemployed Youth Into Job Creators in Uganda

    What if young people in poor villages could create prosperous businesses and careers in their home towns instead of flocking to cities to contribute to the overcrowding and unemployment? That’s the solution promulgated by the URDT Institute in Uganda.
    Dec. 1, 2011
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  • How to Be a Great Customer

    Good Customers Have the Best Experiences

    Relationships between company representatives and customers go both ways. In order to receive the very best customer experience, you should be the very best customer you can be. Here, we offer some guidelines for how to be a good customer.
    Nov. 3, 2011
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  • Developing Applications to Improve Customer Experience

    Bridging the Arbitrary Product Line and Channel Silos that Drive Your Customers Crazy

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    Customers are annoyed when they don’t encounter a seamless experience as they interact across touchpoints or product lines. Learn how to approach developing applications that are seamless for customer, partners, and employees.
    Oct. 13, 2011
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  • Why Customer Experience Shouldn't Report to Marketing

    Operations May Be a Better Home for Your Top Customer Experience Exec

    Where should your top Customer Experience executive sit in your organization? Don’t make customer experience a marketing position. The person responsible for your organization’s CX should ideally have purview over your entire company’s operations.
    Jul. 28, 2011
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  • A Best Practice Example of Applying UX Principles to Product Design and Development

    Koko Fitness Demonstrated How to Do It Right Back in 2005!

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    Koko Fitness, a small company that designs and sells interactive workout systems, has been a shining example of best practices in incorporating customer experience and user experience methods into their product design and development lifecycle.
    Jun. 16, 2011
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  • Providing Consistent Customer Support

    A Great Experience Shouldn’t Depend on the Luck of the Draw as It Does with Dell's Support Processes

    Dell’s current support processes don’t appear to provide consistent answers nor one-touch problem resolution. How well does your company address customers’ moments of truth when resolving problems?
    May. 12, 2011
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  • Is User-Centered Design the Missing Link?

    Bridging the Gaps Between Customer Experience and Product Development

    by ,
    Empower UX professionals and embed them within your business units to help product managers and developers identify customer needs and develop products that are easy to use and to adopt, easy to support, and on target to meet a critical end-user need.
    Apr. 28, 2011
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  • How to Transform the Quality of Life in African Rural Communities

    Educate Young People to Be Entrepreneurs and Leaders

    In western Uganda, URDT’s Vocational Institute addresses unemployment by training young people to be job creators—not job seekers—in their local communities.
    Mar. 17, 2011
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  • Why the Huffington Post Is Successful

    Engaging Your Audience as Active Contributors and Promoters Was Baked into Its DNA

    The Huffington Post became a successful, profitable online media property for seven good reasons. Most of these best practices are applicable for anyone providing online content.
    Feb. 17, 2011
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  • Bootstrapping Innovation

    Leveraging the Collective IQ to Achieve Powerful Results

    The Doug Engelbart Institute's Bootstrapping Innovation system provides a structure for empowering people to solve complex problems together.
    Jun. 3, 2010
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  • Map Ideal Customer Experiences with Cross-Functional Teams

    Why and When to Map Customer Scenarios with Internal Stakeholders

    There’s great value in using the Customer Scenario Mapping technique internally as a tool that helps your employees become more customer-centric, even without direct customer engagement.
    Apr. 22, 2010
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  • How Custom Product Design Can Spawn Customer-Centric Ecosystems

    How National Semiconductor, CustoMax, and Zazzle Built Vibrant Ecosystems

    Three companies in different industries—CustoMax, National Semiconductor, and Zazzle—have built vibrant customer-centric ecosystems to let customers design their own products.
    Jan. 7, 2010
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  • Innovation in Education: School Children Improve Their Families' Livelihoods

    At URDT, It Takes a Child to Raise a Village

    Why not educate children to become masterful in envisioning and creating a better life for themselves and their families? That’s the innovative approach to education that URDT has been practicing for almost a decade.
    Nov. 25, 2009
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